When I finally got my own PC the first thing I did was write a Haunted House adventure game in BASIC; initially it had nearly 100 rooms but I discovered the limitations of the hardware and ultimately fleshed-out 30 rooms (plus six outdoor areas). The whole process was a real learning experience and the outcome was incredibly rewarding but I've never programmed a computer game since then.
I graduated from College with a degree in Software Engineering. Between the time I created the Haunted House game and I got my degree I had hundreds of ideas for games. I would put them down on paper, writing them as if they were board games. The idea was that if I could create a board game with rules they and the game play could be easily translated to software. I got this idea while creating my Haunted House game back in the early '80s (yes, I'm that old); at one point while writing the Haunted House game I became stuck with the game mechanics - I found that if I drew a map of the Haunted House and wrote the rules out on paper I could refer back to it easier when writing code. I ended up using chess pieces as the players and monsters and pennies to represent memory. The Tandy MC-10 didn't allow too many pennies ...
So I have this folder full of game ideas. Some are very elaborate and spanning multiple pages, others just a single page with the ideas writing down like a grocery list. I haven't won the lottery but I've also not created a game in nearly three decades. Why not go through the list create something? What have I got to lose? So we finally come to the purpose of this blog;
I'm going to use this blog as a status report on creating my game. I'll also probably post things related to its creation such as theories on solar system formation and such (yes, it's a space game). I've already described the game to a few people and much to my surprise the first thing nearly everyone says is, "You're making Master of Orion?" I've never played the game. Since I've gotten such a universal response from people I've decided to avoid plagiarism I'd continue this 'tradition' and purposefully avoid playing it.
Here we are, day one.
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